Sprinkle Dust ♕
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Only mine?
Heyyhoooo, i want to share something happy news sice yesterday i don't feel want to write anything.
So now, The news is I got my own desktop! Jyeahhhh! I were so suprised yesterday, my dad brought me the desktop and mine only. Yayyyyyyyyy! Hihi
But I must use it wisely because PMR trial is just 1month left. OMG! :O
Time running so fastttttt! Chiuuuuuu, okayy thats all, want to have my study! Byeeeee :)
So now, The news is I got my own desktop! Jyeahhhh! I were so suprised yesterday, my dad brought me the desktop and mine only. Yayyyyyyyyy! Hihi
But I must use it wisely because PMR trial is just 1month left. OMG! :O
Time running so fastttttt! Chiuuuuuu, okayy thats all, want to have my study! Byeeeee :)
Trip to MKL
I met him, totally looked handsome and he's my boyfriend ;)
Im so lazy to describe it, so i just share some photos :)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
I thought he was different from the others. But you know what?
He more reckless than the others.
And now, I don't like him anyway.
Nice in front of me but blacks behind me.
Yeahh its about your life,
But its about my feeling too.
So forget me.
Just just just just forget.
Ohh ya, sorry I know its really easy and smooth to erase my name right?
Hihi thankyousomuch!
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Good Evening :)
I nak online sekejap je nihh,
Tadi mama datang cakap dengan cikgu,
Alhamdulillah cikgu cun komen yang baikbaik saja tentang ku hihi
Ohh hakikatnyaa, saya mmg baik okay ;)
Okay dah stop jgn nk pwasan, LOL.
Teacher cakap kena struggle for science n mathematics,
ohh dah mmg, 2 tuh yang low sangat, gayatt tahu tengok markah saya?
Hmmm, so now actually I try to stop online, twittering and all that.
Tapi tangan nih haa gatal nak bukak lappy.
I wish my mum will take this lappy and keep it until i have finish my PMR.
I hopeee, but my mum didn't do that so :/
Okay start from now I'll stop online and this such things.
Takut wehhhhh, PMR dekat sangatsangat dah nih.
InsyaAllah boleh buat, iman kuat lagi hihihi :)
So bubye guyss, will miss my bloggie n evewyting.
p/s : kalau ada yg perlu sangatsangat untuk bukak lappy baru bukak, n maybe online. hihi :P
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Repay it back
Sho, heylooooo Miss swieetiee bloggiee, kihkih
So, i've ganti puasa yang tergendala seketika. Semalam dan harinihh.
Alhamdulillah, tak rasa lapar sangat sebab i dah melahap segala makanan yang ada di tengah malam. Hihihihi ;)
Tak bangun sahur pun, just ambik supper. Bulan Ramadhan dah nak dekat.
Which is means, PMR is just nearer. Mahhhhhh ;(
Takutnyaaaaaaaaaa, seriouslyyy, macam rasa nak pitam tak bangunbangun.
Okay thats for this time. Oh ya, esok ada Temu Mesra di sekolah bersama dgn abah n mama n cikgu, alahhhh, will die.
Hope my parents will not be shosho angry wth me yaa. Amin.
Gtg now. Nak study kbye :)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Being solo
Friday, June 24, 2011
I've no idea to share and talk about.
Probably just no good in blogger right now. But i'll try to update something. Okay so, today just went to extra class and go home, sleep, eat, twittering, facebooking.
Study? Oh Im not in that mood. But actually Im freaking afraid.
Ahah, absolutely its about PMR. Okayyy this night I'll studyy and studyy and study I promiseee, Hihi.
This evening i'll go shopping for Raya clothes ;)
My dad asked me to buy now, because i've no time after this, will face trial exam
and have no time neither.
So thats little thing. 1 more thing, Iloveyou Followers ;)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
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